Monthly Archives: November 2008

Finding OUT

Cruising through life as a single person, you never can imagine the excitement that can come from a doctors visit…but at the four month mark of pregnancy, you can hear that little booger’s heartbeat AND find out if he’s a he or she’s a she!

Thank goodness Hanky had the video camera charged for this one. Nobody wanted to miss out on it, so you hear Momma, Daddy, Hank and of course, me in the room as the ultrasound tech gives us a glimpse into our first experience of the little guy inside me.

There was no doubt it was a boy. Once discernible body parts came on the screen, I knew that I would continue to be the only girl in the household.

Check it out:

Looking back, I can’t believe that I was dying for a girl…I love my little guy.

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